How are those new year’s resolutions going? If ‘me time’ has already dropped off the list, here are some ideas on how to spend it.
PODCAST: The Laughs of Your Life
FEASTING Bake by Graham Herterich
This weekend we will mostly be drooling over Bake: Traditional Irish Baking with Modern Twists, by Graham Herterich, better known as The Cupcake Bloke – and hoping to do his dishes justice in our own ovens.
It’s published by Irish indie imprint Nine Bean Rows, and features mouthwatering staples such as soda bread, tarts, porter cake and brack, each given a contemporary update to reflect the wide array of international ingredients available in our local supermarkets.
There’s also a sprinkling of biography too, with Herterich tripping down memory lane to uncover his childhood food memories and dishes passed down through the generations.
KITCHEN DISCO My 21st Century Blues
It’s not often Cate Blanchett and Margot Robbie have their spotlight stolen, but that’s what happened when RAYE performed on The Graham Norton Show last month when the London-born singer belted out ‘The Thrill is Gone’, her smoky, jazz-club vocals offset by a plunging black dress.
It had many viewers rushing to their favourite music streamers to find her just-released album, My 21st Century Blues; a self-assured a debut for someone who has been recording since 2014 – and co-writing songs for the likes of Beyoncé – but only now getting her big break. Better late than never. RAYE’s new release is full of sass, soul, hip-hop, heartache and settling scores. Expect to be dancing around the kitchen or crooning into a hairbrush to this one.
DRESS CODE: The Housecoat – Nomad Cream
Spring is still some way off and we’re happily hunkering down with this oversized housecoat, whose quilted padding and organic cotton voile make it as soft as it is durable, while an Aztec-inspired print nods to far-off lands.
Puff lantern sleeves give a fashion-forward sculpted look, and the deep pockets are deeply practical… does anyone else stash Minstrels in there? Just us??