With the new academic year just starting and the new season gradually replacing the last, I am reminded that September is a month for new beginnings. As I excitedly await delivery of my second collection of pyjamas, I’ve been thinking a lot about how Moon + Mellow was my new beginning.

Before I decided to launch my own label, I had been working on campaigns for some well-known global brands, coming up with new product ideas and designs and sourcing ethical factories to make them. It was a great experience but I had my own dream that I wanted to follow and it got to the stage where I couldn’t push it to the back of my mind anymore.

I had this desire to create something that had eluded me since childhood – the perfect pyjamas.

What's stopping you?

I remember the moment I decided to go for it. A mentor asked me what the first thing would be that I would need to do to make my dream a reality. I thought about it, and visiting a show in Paris to find the perfect fabric was that first move for me.

What’s stopping you booking the flights and going to the show, she asked. When I thought about it like that, just focusing on the first step and not the whole, overwhelming (though exciting) project, it was much easier to visualise the process in manageable steps. I booked the flights and from there on in the wheels were in motion. Each step led to the next and I found that I was on my way to making my daydream my dream job!

And now, here I am, just two years later, about to launch my second collection of elegant, comfortable and luxurious cotton pyjamas!

So, this September, here’s my question for you: what’s the first step you need to take towards making your dream happen? Your dream doesn’t have to be career related – it could be to do with your home life, your health or wellbeing, relationships…

Because the first step leads to the next, and the next and the next, and then you’re doing it. Imagine how thrilling that would be.

x Cliona